Apex Legends was released on Feb. 4 with eight total playable characters. But the smash-hit battle royale game might be getting some new Legends, according to recent leaks. Twitter user Shrugtal posted a tweet yesterday that revealed two potential new Apex characters: Octane and Wattson. Shrugtal tweeted pictures of game files that list both of those names along with what appears to be audio clues or abilities for these potential Legends.
Apex Legends launched with eight main characters, as well as the unlockable Caustic and Mirage. Fans knew it wouldn't be long before the character choices would expand, and now, players might have their first look at who's coming next. Most of the names are completely new, but the inclusion of Prophet has piqued the interest of the gaming community.
Besides Prophet, at least two other characters have been leaked for Apex Legends. One is Octane, who is expected to release for the game at some point in March. Octane will reportedly have a Stimpak ability that is expected to give him stat boosting abilities. Wattson is the other leaked character, and while dataminers are less certain about his release date, they have found evidence that he will have an electric trap, so he may play similarly to Caustic. Buy cheapest Apex Legends Coins from Mmocs with fast delivery and 100% safety.
Today, another character was revealed through some data mining thanks to Gaming INTEL, whose exclusive data miners found out about abilities surrounding someone named Prophet. According to them, there's a file associated with it titled "Precog" assumed to be short for Precognition. In a game like Apex Legends, being able to foresee future events could prove to be quite useful.
In relation to the same mode, RealApexLeaks also found references to a replay system. This appears to be a simple kill replay like what you might see in Call of Duty, or Titanfall. As it stands, Apex Legends does not offer a kill replay system of any kind, though you’re free to spectate remaining players after dying. Speaking of new modes, @ApexUpdate found entries in the game’s code that mention solo, and duos modes. Apex Legends does not currently have any modes other than three-player squads, but solo and duos were among the first requests players made.
Fans of Smash Bros. are so obsessed, their patterns for looking for leaks mirrors that of Apex Legends, although searching the source code for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate has been less revelatory. Meanwhile, fans of Mortal Kombat are half-jokingly campaigning for NetherRealm Studios to add Shaggy from Scooby-Doo, Where Are You? to Mortal Kombat 11, set for release April 23. Even Fortnite added Marvel’s Thanos as part of a limited-time special mode meant to celebrate the release of Avengers: Infinity War.